
The reason for this master is to bring together all players of rehabilitation in a common educational program. The Master is aimed at those who work, or intend to work, in hospitals or companies active in the field of rehabilitation and/or home care assistance. To reach this goal we will award different titles at the end of the program depending on the entry title that you have at the enrollment.

  • Students admitted with
    Master of Science in Engineering, Economics, Medicine and Surgery (School of Medicine),
    Physiotherapy, Psychology, Rehabilitation Technologies
    will be awarded the
    Second Level post-graduate Master in RehabTech – technologies for innovation in rehabilitative medicine and for assistance: from technological innovation to clinical translation and healthcare management.
  • Students admitted with
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Economics, Rehabilitation Technologies
    will be awarded the
    First Level post-graduate Master in RehabTech – technologies for innovation in rehabilitative medicine and for assistance: from technological innovation to clinical translation and healthcare management
  • Students currently attending a PhD course or a postgraduate medical training program according the Italian law are not admitted to a Master*, but can enrol to our call as a Specializing program. The Specializing program is 40 ECTS and excludes the final Project work.
    The awarded title will be
    Specializing program in RehabTech – technologies for innovation in rehabilitative medicine and for assistance: from technological innovation to clinical translation and healthcare management.
    *a legislative reform on simultaneous enrolment in two academic courses has been approved. To date,
    lacking an implementing decree from the Ministry of the University and Research, the simultaneous
    enrolment is not possible. More information will be published as soon as available.
  • It is mandatory to demonstrate knowledge of the English language through one of the following
    certifications (the minimum grade required is indicated):

Test Required level
ETS – TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Paper Based ≥ 547 (total score)
Computer Based ≥ 210 (total score)
Internet Based ≥ 78 (total score)
ETS – TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) ≥ 720
IEL TS (International English Language Testing System) ≥ 6


Where to send the application form for the admission tests:
Polo Territoriale di Lecco – Politecnico di Milano
Deadline for submitting applications: 21/10/2022
Selection office: Polo Territoriale di Lecco – Politecnico di Milano, 23900 LECCO (LC)
Selection procedure: CV evaluation and possible motivational interview (also via Skype)
Minimum attendance percentage: minimum percentage of attendance to the course of 70% is foreseen
Content/modality of eventual final exam: Project work with a final discussion


Registration fee: € 500.00
Participation fee: € 5.500,00

  • 1st installment: 2.500 euros by 02/11/2022;
  • 2nd installment: 2.500 euros by 03/03/2023;
  • 3rd installment: 1.000 euros by 01/06/2023.

For the first international edition of the Master, special supports for attendance are foreseen according to the evaluation of the Master commission. It is necessary to apply for them during the enrolment phase.
For companies or institutions, there is one free participation fee for every 3 regularly registered participants (4 participants for 3 rates), unless different specific agreements. For other information, please contact the Director of the Master at the following address:


Frequently Asked Questions

A Specializing program has been activated for those enrolled in a School of Specialization or in a PhD School. This program has been set up for these categories of candidates, due to the prohibition on the simultaneous enrolment in two academic courses in force in Italy (according to art. 11, circolare ministeriale n. 357 del 5 febbraio 1986 and nota n. AOODGPER 17188 del 2009).
In case you are in the final stages of the PhD/Specialisation (i.e. close to the thesis submission) or of the Master of Science, admissions upon condition will be accepted. If the student is willing to enroll to the School of Specialisation in the academic year 2022/23, it will be possible to take part to this year selections during the Master.

Yes, the Master is addressed to nursing graduates highly motivated to the use and understanding of technology, with particular reference to technologies for rehabilitation The program provides competences in rehabilitation and research methodologies, and aims at developing transversal expertise in scientific ethics, intellectual property and business development. Nowadays, the nurse is an important and valued role in the clinical reality. This Master will enable the professional growth of the nurse and increase the expertise of the rehabilitation they are part of.

Yes, the program includes lessons about cognitive functions and aspects related to speech rehabilitation. Furthermore, the program introduces to evaluation technologies and develops important transversal competencies, such as scientific research methodologies, ethical issue, and business development.

The list of the lecturers is not available. Some lecturers of the first edition have already confirmed their
availability to participate to the international edition.